9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Methods of Training 2
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Training Methods 1
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Principles of Training 2
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Principles of Training
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip (Ten included)
Covers topics including:
Relationship between health and fitness
Short term effects of exercise
Planes and axes of movement
Components of fitness
Fitness testing
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Components of Fitness 2
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Components of fitness 1
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using a structure strip
Fitness Testing 2
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Fitness testing 1
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Relationship between health and fitness
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Plane & Axes of movement
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Lever Systems
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Short term effects of exercise on the muscular system
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Short term effects on the cardio-respiratory system
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Energy and energy systems
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strips (Ten included)
Covers topics including:
Anatomy and Physiology
Skeletal system
Muscular system
Cardiovascular system
Respiratory system
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Structures of the Respiratory system
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Tidal volume and exercise
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Redistribution of blood
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Functions of the Cardiovascular system
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures